You may be a little unfamiliar with the name Kratom. Well, this is one of the native plants from Indonesia that grows a lot in Kalimantan. Not as foreign as its name, kratom is widely used in medicine. Kratom can serve as a painkiller for various medical conditions.
Behind the controversy it has, if we go far to understand what kratom is, we will find that it offers a lot of advantages.
What is Kratom?
Kratom is a native Indonesian herb that thrives in Kalimantan’s woods. This leaf belongs to the Rubiaceae plant class and is still in the coffee plant family. Kratom is also grown in Thailand, Malaysia, and Papua New Guinea and is known by the Latin name Mitragyna speciosa.
Kratom, also known as ketum leaf, is a herbal plant that is used to treat coughs, diarrhea, diabetes, pain alleviation, and other ailments. Kratom leaves have a sedative or soothing effect when used in higher dosages.
Traditional societies in Malaysia and Thailand believe that kratom can be utilized to boost stamina, energy, and mood. While Indonesians in Kalimantan use it as a painkiller.
In the US, kratom leaf is used as a recreational drug and an easy-to-purchase opioid as an extract, powder, or supplement.
Kratom plant characteristics
Kratom can grow to a height of 4-16 meters.
The width of a kratom leaf is greater than the palm of an adult hand. Kratom is frequently grown as a shrub to guard against landslides and river flows.
There are around 300,000 kratom farmers in Kalimantan, who rely on it for their livelihood. In one day, three kratom growers can pick 200 kilograms of leaves, which when dry will shrink to a tenth. These dried leaves are shaped into crumbs to look like dried green tea leaves.
Benefits of Kratom
Kratom can act as a stimulant medication when used in small doses. Stimulant medicines are those that increase one’s energy and alertness.
People who use kratom leaves report feeling more alert, motivated, and at ease socializing outside.
Indonesian kratom leaves are also used as antipyretics for fever-reducing drugs, antitussives or cough suppressants, and antihypertensives or agents to lower blood pressure.
Another benefit of kratom leaves is as an herbal remedy for diarrhea and pain relief.
Kratom Content
Kratom contains the alkaloids mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, which have been shown to have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, or muscle relaxant effects. Kratom leaves contain secondary metabolites of alkaloids, steroids or terpenoids, and saponins. A study conducted by experts at Tanjungpura University showed that kratom leaves have anti-nociceptive activity or pain relievers. In addition, kratom leaves have compounds that can cause psychotropic effects such as opioids and stimulants.